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[E] SV900000
[E] SV900000
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over 11 years ago
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over 10 years ago
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So, I've been going around a handful of prison servers to see the layout and they all seem to be extremely cramped as well as typically use superflat worlds to save on memory. I also noticed that some servers have both a non-pvp mine/farm as well as a pvp farm. I'm not certain if we want a huge emphasis on pvp but I included it in the model anyways to show what it looks like. I'm not too certain what we have here but I thought it would be nice to create a small region that would be approximately the size of one rank just to get an idea of what it might look like per rank more or less. I also made a gateway as shown in one of the pictures. The idea was it can be used for when we have rank. The red ring areas are pvp zones and the blue are non-pvp which is a little self explanatory, however, the orange ring signifies the rank so, something like is the lowest, is the second lowest, so on and so forth until which would be plain hardened clay. I almost forgot, I haven't made the cells yet but I think the best place to put them may be under the tree farms to keep the area looking neat and clean and to use up the space under the trees if possible. There is always room for improvement but this is something I am proud to show off. I hope you enjoy the pictures.
over 10 years ago